Author: Penny Vlahos
Nature paper highlighted in Nature’s “News and Views”
Our recent Nature Geosciences paper has been highlighted in Nature’s “News & Views” as an important new field for research.
Paper accepted in Nature Geoscience
Our work on the influence of sea spray on gas exchange at high wind speeds has been accepted in Nature Geoscience. Hats off to Allie Staniec for her hard work and a great accomplishment!
Vlahos selected on 2021-2025 Fulbright Specialist Roster
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Congratulations to Rebha Raviraj who has just received a SURF award and will join our lab in summer 2021.
New Project Funded – NSF Arctic Marginal Ice Zone Alkalinity (AMIZA)
We have Just been awarded funds to study the carbonate system in the artic marginal ice zone and will be joining Prof. Rob Mason’s cruise in May-June 2021.
New Project Funded – Alkalinity in Long Island Sound Embayments (ALISE)
We have just been awarded a grant by the Long Island Sound Study to study alkalinity in coastal Long Island Sound for two years.
New publication – paper accepted in Environmental Science and Technology
Reducing Hypoxia in an Urban Estuary Despite Climate Warming (Whitney & Vlahos)
New publication in Microplastics and Nanoplastics
- “Are litter, plastic and microplastic quantities increasing in the ocean?” F. Galgani et et., this is a collaborative effort of the pool of experts from the World Ocean Assessment’s report.
New Publication in Environmental Research Letters
- Effort across the Northeast and a great example of citizen science “Synoptic assessment of coastal total alkalinity through community science” Rheuban et al.,