- Emma Shipley presents at NA SETAC 1.08.02 – Development and Testing of Two Polymers for In Situ Passive Sampling of Munitions Compounds
Author: Penny Vlahos
5-year study from NIH RO1 Funded!
- RO1 proposal funded to conduct a 5 year study continuing our water quality work in Sri Lanka Funded with colleagues from Stanford University.
New Publication in Water Resources Management
- New publication in Water Resources Management “Future Projections of Water Temperature and Thermal Stratification in Connecticut Reservoirs and Possible Implications for Cyanobacteria“ C. A. Mullin, C.J. Kirchhoff, G. Wang, P.Vlahos https://doi.org/10.1029/2020WR027185
New publication in the New England Journal of Medicine “Using GIS Mapping to Track Hot Spots of Kidney Disease in California”
New publication in the New England Journal of Medicine “Using GIS Mapping to Track Hot Spots of Kidney Disease in California” Shuchi Anand, M.D., Allison Staniec, B.A., Maria Montez-Rath, Ph.D., Penny Vlahos, Ph.D. a Stanford University School of Medicine and UCONN collaboration combines human health with environmental water quality.
Allison Staniec selected for NSF DISCO XXVI 2020
DISCO participants (currently 25 per meeting) are selected from universities all over the world, with a majority of attendees from U.S. universities. The number of participants to date (DISCO I–XXVI) exceeds 640, and they were selected from an applicant pool that exceeded 80 eligible doctorates in recent years.
Ocean Sciences 2020
Our group was represented in a total of 7 presentations at the AGU Ocean Sciences meeting in San Diego Feb. 16-21, 2020.
Mary McGuinness awarded Crandall Fellowship!
Our newest member to the group Mary McGuinness has been awarded the prestigious Crandall Fellowship. Congratulations Mary!
Publication now Available
Publication Now Available
Shipley and Vlahos present and chair at NA SETAC Conference in Toronto, Canada November (2019)
Vlahos et al., (2019) – A baseline atmospheric passive sampling network of legacy and emerging organic contaminants in Sri Lanka
Shipley et al., (2019) – Assessing agrochemical pollution in shallow well waters and chronic kidney disease in endemic Sri Lankan villages
Vlahos co-chairs session on passive sampling Session 6220 – Advances in Passive Sampling Across Environmental Compartments – Part 1 [Penny Vlahos]