Jorge will be working on Pesticide Use and Toxicity Biomarkers of Allium cepa L. Cultivated in Colombia
Author: Penny Vlahos
New doctoral student Lauren Barrett joins our group
New doctoral student Lauren Barrett joins the group and will be researching biogeochemical cycling and respiration rates in Long Island Sound.
Allison Byrd Presents her Masters
Congratulations Allison on completing your Masters research. Happy you will be sticking around for a bit this summer!
Emma Shipley receives best platform presentation award.
Emma Shipley was tied for first place at the NE SETAC conference in Boston MA for her presentation on contaminants in Sri Lankan air and drinking water.
Vlahos attends UN meeting Capacity Building meeting for the second World Ocean Assessment
See Links: Capacity Building meeting for the second World Ocean Assessment (WOA) Writing teams launch efforts to draft WOA2.
The Long Island Sound (LIS) Respire Program is funded!
- This EPA-NYSG & CTSG funded project will constrain the biogeochemistry of LIS over two years.
- Official Announcement Link.
Manuscript Accepted in Biogeosciences Discussions “Carbon cycling in the North American coastal ocean: A synthesis”
NIH awards KiPP project supplemental award
Our KiPP project will now be extended to June 2020 with the additional funding to continue this work.
Manuscript Accepted in Global Public Health “Kidney Progression Project (KiPP): Protocol for a Longitudinal Cohort Study of Progression in Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology in Sri Lanka”
Vlahos, Schensul, Nanayakkara, Chandrajith, Haider, Anand, Silva, Schensul Link to manuscript
Mean Annual Fluxes of Carbon in Coastal Ecosystems of Eastern North America
Dataset published and now available