Author: Penny Vlahos
Andreas, Vlahos & Monahan paper “Spray-Mediated Air-Sea Gas Exchange: The Governing Time Scales” accepted in Journal of Marine Science & Engineering,
American Geophysical Union (AGU) New Orleans (Dec 11-15) presentations from our group: .
- OS33A-1440 Constraining the Exchange of Carbon and Nitrogen in Eastern Long Island Sound Allison Byrd, Joseph K Warren, Penny Vlahos and Michael M Whitney, Wednesday, 13 December 2017, 13:40 – 18:00. New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Poster Hall D-F.
- OS24A-05 Variations in organic carbon fluxes from Long Island Sound to the Continental Shelf Penny Vlahos and Michael M Whitney, Tuesday, 12 December 2017, 17:00 – 17:15. New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 275-277.
- OS51A-1139 Tracking the Fate of Explosive-Trinitrotriazine (RDX) in Coastal Marine Ecosystems Using Stable Isotopic Tracer Thivanka Sureni Ariyarathna1, Mark Ballentine1, Penny Vlahos2, Richard W Smith3, John Karl Bohlke4, Craig R Tobias5, Stephen Fallis6, Thomas Groshens6 and Christopher Cooper1, 15 December 2017, 08:00 – 12:20. New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Poster Hall D-F
- B23I-03 Using Multi-media Modeling to Investigate Conditions Leading to Harmful Algal Blooms Valerie Garcia1, Catherine Nowakowski2, Marina Astitha3, Penny Vlahos4, Ellen J Cooter5 and Chunling Tang1, Tuesday, 12 December 2017, 14:10 – 14:25. New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 356-357.
- A51D-2096 Modelling the Evolution of Sea Spray Droplets on a Global Scale Allison Staniec1, Penny Vlahos2 and Edward C Monahan2, Friday, 15 December 2017, 08:00 – 12:20. New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Poster Hall D-F.
Monahan, Staniec & Vlahos paper accepted in JGR
“Spume Drops:Their Potential Role in Air-Sea Gas Exchange”
Staniec & Vlahos paper accepted in Continental Shelf Research
Allie’s first doctoral paper “Timescales for determining Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Trends in the Long Island Sound Estuary” was accepted in
Continental Shelf Research!!!
This is one of the first assessments showing the accelerated warming in Long Island Sound (LIS) and the decrease on dissolved oxygen stocks that follow. This has important implications for future LIS adaptations.
Vlahos & Whitney paper accepted in L&O
“Organic Carbon Patterns and Budgets in the Long Island Sound Estuary” has been accepted for publication in Limnology and Oceanography
New time series for dissolved carbon dioxide & oxygen in Long Island Sound (DUCOS)
the Dominion-University of Connecticut Carbon and Oxygen time Series (DUCOS) is now up and running. Undergraduate students Jessica Hinckley (Marine Sciences) and Stephen Cangelosi (Biomedical Engineering) are spending summer 2017 starting up this pioneering time series and creating the open source interface to make data available on a continuous basis to the public.
Joseph Warren completes Masters degree
Joseph Warren presents & completes his Masters today! Congratulations Joe!!!!
“A Novel in Situ Sulfate Sampler for Aquatic Systems”
- manuscript in print “A Novel in Situ Sulfate Sampler for Aquatic Systems” Vlahos, Warren, Houghton and Fike in the American Chemical Society: Earth and Space Chemistry
Whitney & Vlahos Awarded new EPA-Sea Grant Project for Long Island Sound Research
The Project LISS01719: “Nutrient and Carbon Fluxes through Long Island Sound (LIS), Linking River Sources to Impacted Areas”, begins in Spring 2017 and will be coupled with ongoing studies in Eastern LIS.