Congratulations to Dr. Thivanka Ariyarathna for completing her doctoral studies December 2, 2016.
Congratulations to Dr. Thivanka Ariyarathna for completing her doctoral studies December 2, 2016.
Catrina, our summer undergraduate research fellow (SURF) (advised by Astitha and Vlahos), was one of 3 recipients and the only undergraduate recipient of the award!!!! Way to go Catrina! She presented her summer work -“Prediction of harmful water quality parameters combining weather, air quality and ecosystem models with in-situ measurements”
The 5 year study of tracking the fate and transport of munitions in marine coastal systems has been recognized with SERDP’s highest honor!
This two year study will follow 300 patients with Stage 1 CKDu to evaluate correlations between disease progression, water quality in rice fields and well waters and other risk factors.
We were just awarded a grant by the Dominion Foundation to initiate a pCO2 time series at Avery Point to trach changes in water CO2. The time series will bededicated to undergraduate education and will provide unprecedented pCO2 data for the region.
Biodegradation and mineralization of isotopically labeled TNT and RDX in anaerobic marine sediments
Thivanka received the best platform presentation award at SETAC NE which comes with a $500 travel award to the national meeting this fall.